The earth has its own wisdom and the waking wisdom of man, grown and refined across centuries of confusion, begins to make itself felt.
The Shaman Awakes
After a long restless sleep the countryside awakes, the land opens its eyes and opens before us.
The animal emissaries step out of the forest, step into the air, swim the waters with so many eyes, all perceiving, all experiencing consciousness.
The shaman awakes, the scientist rediscovers his heart.
Heart, earth, heart, earth, heart…
Chief Luther Standing Bear said: “The man who sat on the ground in his tipi, to meditate on life and its meaning, knew how to accept a common brotherhood amongst all creatures and recognized the unity of the universe: in this he infused his being with the very essence of humanity. When primitive man abandoned this form of development, he slowed his path to perfection.”
The fruit of the tree of knowledge is one of many fruits. The shaman needs a balanced diet and what can be the possible use of ignoring and neglecting the one for the other?
Listen to the changing rhythm of his breathing, his first stirrings, the shaman awakes…